Local Mentoring Spotlight: Michelle Kosta
We asked local mentoring advocate Michelle Kosta, Executive Director at Family of Friends, why mentoring was so important to both her...

Tips to Maximize Your Year!
There are many reasons you may be looking forward to 2020. It is a fresh new decade for you and your business to thrive in, but where do...

OurOffice: The First Business Platform to Manage Diversity & Inclusion
Recently SRG joined Our Office’s team because of our shared mission to transform workplace culture to an all inclusive one by using a...

Clever Scam: An Unfortunate Mistake Offers Valuable Lessons for Employees and Bosses
It seems that our inboxes are always full of poorly crafted emails with questionable attachments from unknown senders, trying to gain...

We're Sponsoring Another Female-Centric Play Production: THE TAMING
Continuing Synergy Resources Group's tradition of providing for a cause that supports women in their careers and/or their passion...

Moderate Alcohol + Caffeine Contribute to Longevity
As she celebrated her 100th birthday last week, Matilda Curcia of San Diego credited her nightly habit of consuming one beer and three...

Mapping Your Own Environment
The EPA has a tool called My Environment, which, when given a specific address or zip code, can give interesting data on your...

Fundraising Thermometers + Events = New Heights
You’ve seen fundraising thermometers before. Everyone uses them—elementary school fundraisers, church fundraisers, building funds, and...

Are You 21 to 37? You Might Be a Millenial
Are you a millennial? Like it or not, you might be. It’s a roughly defined group, but on Thursday, the Pew Research Center tried to...

Workplace of the Future, or Living on Mars?
Amazon opened its new downtown Seattle office space in January, revealing a campus that looks more like a rainforest than a typical...